Nadihingu (Gardenia gummifera) is a plant that possesses various medicinal properties, including its use as a carminative, anthelmintic, diaphoretic, and analgesic agent. Although the Krumighna karma of Nadihingu is not directly mentioned in Classical texts, it has been used in Folklore as an antihelmintic and is also mentioned as such in various medicinal plant books, along with other uses of Nadihingu. Regarding Krumi, The comparison of krumi to helminths and other visible and microorganisms, such as viruses and bacteria, can be substantiated from the symptoms of type of krumi. A Krumighna dravya acts against any of these disease-causing organisms. This review focuses on exploring the Krumighna karma of Nadihingu (Gardenia gummifera) with reference to its related pharmacological activities, such as antihelmintic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, and antibacterial activities.

INTRODUCTION Gardenia gummifera L. f. Syn. G. arborea Roxb. (Fam. Rubiaceae), which produces Nadihingu - a dried resinous exudation obtained from the shoot tip. Nadihingu (gardenia gummifera)

References of Nadihingu for as Krumighna Although the term "Krumighna" or specific krumighna properties are not specifically mentioned in the Brhatrayi, Gardenia gummifera resin (Nadihingu/Dikamali) has been traditionally used in Ayurveda for its anthelmintic properties. Although Janthuka synonym to Nadihingu, meaning effective against worms. This synonym mentioned in Dhanwantari Niganthu[4] and Raj Niganthu. [5] Nadihingu, also known as Gardenia gummifera resin, has been mentioned in Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India[6] for its therapeutic use in treating Helminthiasis (worm infestations). Author Priyavrat Sharma, in his book[9] mentions the Nadihingu for Krumighna karma in Pachan-sanstha, which is specifically used for killing roundworms. Similarly, Gajendra Pandey's book[8] also refers to Gardenia gummifera resin as "Krumighna in karma" (vermifuge). The Indian Materia Medica[10] recognizes Gardenia gummifera's action as an antihelminthic alternative, while the powdered gum-resin's effectiveness as an anthelmintic in cases of roundworm is mentioned in Indian Medicinal Plants. [11] The dosage of gum-resin as 200-300mg also mentioned in the Indian Medicinal Plants book.[12] Furthermore, Dikamali, a plant with diverse medicinal properties including anthelmintic, antispasmodic etc., has also been studied and documented in scientific research.[21]

Rasa Guna Virya Vipaka of Nadihingu  Rasa Katu[4,5,8,9]  Guna Ruksha, Laghu[9] Tikshna, [10]  Virya Ushna[7,8,9]  Vipaka Katu[8,9]  Karma Vatahara, Kapha hara, Deepan, Vataanuloman, Pachan[9]  Part to be used Niryasa[6,9]

DISCUSSION Probable mode of action as Krumighna karma of Nadihingu , On basis of Prakruti vighat of Krumi chikitsa Charak samhita Krumighna karma of Nadihingu can be explained, Nadihingu’s rasa guna virya vipaka discussed Katu rasa, Katu vipaka and ushna virya, Tikshna guna helps for Prakruti vighat of Krumi. [8,9,10,12,13] Probable mode of Action with Bio-active compounds, Pyrvinium present in Gardenia gummifera gum resin. A phenylpyrrole compound anthelmintic drug effective for pinworms.[28] So Pyrvinium may be one of the reason for antihelmintic activity of Gardenia gummifera gum resin.

CONCLUSION Nadihingu exhibits its Krumighna karma by Prakruti vighat of Krumi, should be used for more clinical purposes. 
